How to Become an ETS Auditor
To participate, interested auditors must complete an application and have the following qualifications*:
Certification as an auditor from a nationally- or internationally-recognized certification body (e.g., IRCA, RAB-QSA, EOQ),
A post-secondary degree,
A minimum of 30 audit days experience in the last three years in a technical field, such as agriculture, biotechnology, food technology or a related life science discipline, and
Free from any conflicts of interest and independent from any ETS member organization. Will immediately notify ETS if this status changes.
To apply:
Submit a completed application form to the ETS office. The ETS Executive Director or Program Manager will review the applications; check references and credentials, as necessary; notify the auditors regarding their eligibility; and provide information about the upcoming training opportunity.
Training for auditors is a full-day course and auditors must pass the examination given at the end of training to become qualified to conduct ETS audits. The qualified auditor status is valid for a three-year period beginning on the date of the training course and may be renewed through continuing education webinars provided by ETS.
To learn more about Excellence Through Stewardship auditor training, please contact the ETS office
*Exceptions to these requirements may be considered on a case-by-case basis.