Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall direction of the organization’s programs and its business operations, and is governed by the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws in its work. The Board, approved by the Global Stewardship Group membership, is composed of representatives from diverse member organizations. The Board of Directors includes members from large, mid-size and emerging organizations, as well as from the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) and CropLife International (CLI).
Scott Mundell, Chair (Corteva Agriscience)
Anne Peronnet, Vice Chair (Limagrain)
Scott Huber, Secretary/Treasurer (Syngenta)
Ryan Johnson (BASF)
Anja Matzk, Ph.D. (KWS SAAT)
Jennifer Urnikis (Bayer)
Heather Spray (AgReliant Genetics)
​David Whalen (Forage Genetics International)
Shiping Zhang, Ph.D. (Beijing Dabeinong Biotechnology Co., Ltd)
Beth Ellikidis (Biotechnology Innovation Organization)
Peter McHugh (Biotechnology Innovation Organization)
John McMurdy (CropLife International)